(F)requently (A)asked (Q)uestions

For Residential Tenants

Once my fixed term tenancy comes to an end, what happens next?

If the Landlord does nothing, the tenancy will automatically run on from one rent period to the next on the same terms as the preceding fixed term short hold tenancy – called a statutory periodic tenancy. The tenancy will continue to run on this basis until you decide to give notice to vacate, the Landlord replaces the tenancy, or the Landlord requires possession of the property. Under no circumstances will you be required to pay any additional fees to continue your tenancy.

Can I pay my rent by cheque or cash?

The monthly rental is calculated to provide a discount for Tenants who are expected to pay either by direct debit or standing order in full and on time. Should you wish to pay by cash or cheque each month an additional handling fee of £25 will be added to your monthly rent. You can download a copy of a standing order mandate to fill in and give to your bank from the “downloads” section on this web site.

I wish to give notice to vacate my property what should I do?

Notice must be made in writing or via email and must allow for a minimum of 1 clear rental month’s notice as stipulated in your tenancy agreement (for example a letter received on the 8th May will be acceptable should you wish to vacate on the 8th of June, and your rent is due on the 9th of the month). During the fixed term the Tenant will always be obliged to pay rent until the tenancy expires. All properties must be returned to the Landlord in the same condition the property was received (clean, all rubbish must be disposed of, garden left free of weeds and the grass cut short).

I would like to make alterations and / or plan to redecorate the premises, is this allowed?

Please contact KPI Lettings to confirm, however permission is usually granted. Any redecoration must be carried out in a professional manner (no black skirting boards or single coats of paint when changing colours for example). It may be possible in some circumstances to reimburse for the cost of materials upon submission of receipts. Paint is preferred over wall paper as wall paper is very difficult to maintain. Please see latest KPI Lettings Policy Document on redorcation under the downloads section on this website.

I don’t like the look of the property; I would like a block paved driveway, or a conservatory?

All properties are rented as seen. Whilst repairs and maintenance will be carried out (as set out in the tenancy agreement), additional improvements and enhancements will only be made at the Landlords discretion.

I’m struggling to afford my rent, what should I do?

Please contact KPI Lettings as soon as possible. Arrears are treated sympathetically but very seriously. If an agreement can not be reached then debt collectors are instructed as a last resort, who will add their professional fees to the debt. Tenants and Guarantors are given 7 days to pay rent in arrears, on the 8th day the rent arrears are submitted to the Small Claims Court and legal fees added to the debt. Non-payment can result in a CCJ (adversely affecting a Tenants ability to obtain future credit) and enforcement action to recover the debt.

Who protects my bond?

Pre November 2018 all bond monies are protected by insurance scheme run by Hamilton Fraser and backed by the National Landlord Association (www.mydeposits.co.uk). KPI Lettings membership number 10057544. All bond monies from November 2018 are protected by insurance scheme run by Deposit Protection Service (www.depositprotection.com). KPI Lettings membership number 1843406. Please see "links" section of this website.

What can I expect should deductions be made from my bond?

Deductions from bond money will only be made if absolutely necessary and the Tenant will be informed as soon as possible after check out (typically 7 to 10 days). Any deductions will be fully backed up by contractor’s invoices and receipts, and copies of these will be provided to the Tenant. The majority of outgoing Tenants (those who leave the premises in the condition it was received) have their bonds returned in full.

Who do I contact to report a repair?

Repairs can be reported in 2 ways:

1) Email KPI Lettings Property Management “KPIManagement@outlook.com” (Click on email icon via "contact us" page). Call backs via telephone can be arranged.

2) Report a repair using the Management form (Not the Sales & General Info form) on the “contact us” section of this website.

What if I have a serious emergency repair?

Tenants should isolate the water supply in the event of a major leak (turn main stop tap off), and isolate electricity at the main switch board (switch off).

Emergency repairs (typically involving total loss of heating and/or water, water leaks and major security/safety issues) – typically 24 to 72 hours to resolve. Tenants to check Emergency Home Insurance cover and report to Insurance Company in the first instance. In the second instance Tenants should inform KPI Lettings at the first opportunity during business hours.

How long do general repairs take?

Non-Emergency repairs – typically 1 to 10 weeks depending on tradesman availability (August and December very busy months for contractors).